6th Kuma International summer school

Established in 2018, Kuma International Summer School is the first program solely dedicated to contemporary art practices produced in the context of conflict and trauma. The school focuses on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the work artists in the region and…


An exhibition by Nermina Trbonja with Quentin Fagart, Ksenija Hotić and Ivan Hrkaš Opening: April 21, 2022 at Historical Museum Sarajevo The exhibition “Backup – A0H1L9IMB4” is part of an ongoing project of oral history related to the non-Croat residents…


An exhibition by Ismar Čirkinagić National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina November 13, 2022 – January 13, 2023 The project is based on the traditional way of making an herbarium and classifying flora, with the difference that the plants were…


Kuma International and the Austrian cultural forum Sarajevo were excited to support the exhibition "Labors of Care" that opened in Sarajevo on March 8 on International Women’s Day at the gallery Manifesto. The exhibition showed the works of three women artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina…

Around the World in 180 Minutes

In June 2023 we organized a a beautiful and emotional concert together with Caritas Italia, featuring performances by Haris Abdagich and Balkaneros, Lirika Kafane, Laura Sirani and Davide Bonetti, with a special guest appearance by Alma Abdagich. We are grateful…