An exhibition by Nermina Trbonja with Quentin Fagart, Ksenija Hotić and Ivan Hrkaš

Opening: April 21, 2022 at Historical Museum Sarajevo

The exhibition “Backup – A0H1L9IMB4” is part of an ongoing project of oral history related to the non-Croat residents of the city of Stolac in Bosnia Herzegovina who were detained in the camps of Kostana Bolnica, Gabela, Dretelj and Heliodrom between 1993 and 1994. Researcher Nermina Trbonja has been collecting personal stories and memories through interviews that were recorded, transcribed, organized and catalogued for the exhibition purposes.

Authors of the exhibition: Nermina Trbonja, Quentin Fagart, Ivan Hrkaš, Ksenija Hotić

Bosnian version of the text interpreted by: Sead Đulić, Youth Theater in Mostar

English version of text interpreted by: Ermin Bravo, Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo

English translation and adaptation of the audio material: Selma Asotić and Aida Spahić 

English translation: Ksenija Hotić 

Sound editing: Nedim Šećeragić

IT solution: Ella Gazibara and Dado Hubanić

Technical solution: Selver Učanbarlić

Photo documentation: Quentin Fagart

Audio transcript: Asyia Mahmutčehajić, Farisa Vojnović, Ena Teparić

Audio transcript: Asyia Mahmutčehajić; Farisa Vojnović, Ena Teparić

We thank the support of: Adna Muslija, Natasa Perković, Claudia Zini, Šefik Rizvanbegović, the Historical Museum in Sarajevo and the Helem Nejse collective